Begin Anywhere


Friends often tell me they want to do yoga, but think they are not flexible enough or will not be good at it. First off, every single one of us had a first time at everything. You just need a willingness to step past your ego and fear that you might not (probably will not) be the best right off the bat. Like everything worthwhile, it takes time and practice to get better. So, once you can put those things aside, just show up! Getting on your mat whether virtually or in person is the first step.

Also, do a little research when you start. Use friends and family as resources for quality yoga. Finding a teacher that is experienced and has a strong knowledge of the foundations for yoga will help you feel more comfortable and avoid unnecessary injury. Over stretching, not activating the correct muscles, over time these things will cause injury, so it is important to find someone you trust. .


Yoga Reimagined, LYT